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Latar Belakang: HIV/AIDS merupakan penyakit yang tersebar di seluruh dunia dan jumlah penederitanya semakin hari semakin meningkat. Penderita HIV/AIDS tersebut sebagian besar berada dalam rentang usia produktif, termasuk para pelajar, hal ini dipengaruhi oleh perilaku beresiko di kalangan remaja. Resiko tinggi penularan HIV diketahui berasal dari perilaku, termasuk penggunaan jarum suntik dan seks bebas.

Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasi yang bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 270 orang, besar sampel sebanyak 73 orang. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan menggunakan teknik Stratified Random Sampling dan Purposive Sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner.

Hasil: Dari 73 orang siswa SMA Negeri 9 Palu, yang memiliki kategori pengetahuan baik sebesar 74,0%, kategori pengetahuan cukup sebesar 19,2% dan kurang sebesar 6,8%. Sikap siswa berada pada kategori cukup sebesar 87,7% dan kategori kurang sebesar 12,3%. Tindakan siswa berada pada kategori baik sebesar 83,6% dan kategori cukup sebesar 16,4%.

Kesimpulan: Gambaran perilaku siswa SMA Negeri 9 Palu terhadap pencegahan HIV/AIDS secara keseluruhan sudah cukup baik, namun kepada pihak sekolah harus tetap memperhatikan siswa agar tidak melakukan perilaku beresiko terhadap penularan HIV/AIDS.

Kata Kunci: Perilaku, pengetahuan, sikap, tindakan, HIV/AIDS

Background: HIV/AIDS is a disease that was spread in the world which the number of sufferers are constantly increasing. Most of the people with HIV/AIDS there are on the productive age range, including the students, that was influenced by risk behavior among adolescents. The higth risk of HIV transmission is known by the behavior, including use the injecting drug and promiscuity.

Methods: The research was a observation descriptive with the cross sectional approach. Population of this research are 270 people where the samples are 73 people with the selection of samples was performed using stratified random sampling technique and purposive sampling. Data were collected by using a questionnaire

Results: The result of the research are 73 students in SM Negeri 9 Palu were in the category of knowledge both at 74,0%, have enough knowledge category by 19,2% and less category at 6,8%. In addition to the students’s attitude quite categories amounted t0 87,7% the attitude of the poor category by 12,3% and the category of action is also in the category of either 83,6% and 16,4% at the enough category

Conclusion : Overview of student behavior SMA Negeri 9 Palu on the prevention of HIV/AIDS as a whole has been quite good, but the stakeholder of the school should be pay more attention to individual student, in order to refrain from risky behavior to HIV / AIDS

Keyword: Behavior, knowledge, attitude, act, HIV/AIDS


SKD2016296N 101 12 143 IBR gMy LibraryTersedia

Informasi Detil

Judul Seri
No. Panggil
N 101 12 143 IBR g
Penerbit : Palu.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xvi , 48 hlm ; 29 cm
Tipe Isi
Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
Info Detil Spesifik
xvi , 48 hlm ; 29 cm
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab

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